Join our YouTube Community!

While academic careers emphasize the importance of the written word, bringing your work to broader public audiences requires considering which communication mediums and search engine optimization approaches will support reach and engagement.

Video, photography, and microblogging- using YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok- are some of my favourite ways to share information, provide inspiration, and engage with the general public.

The result- a growing and supportive online community of people located around the world, who share interests in any number of the following topics:

  • Higher Education
  • Student Success (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Academic Life and Student Engagement
  • Personal Development
  • Productivity and Organization
  • Educational Technology

I would love for you to join our online community. The best way to do so is by subscribing to the YouTube Channel, which you can visit at the link below!

This video is about two computer/iPad apps- Notion and Notability- and how you can integrate these to take awesome notes!
This video is all about strategies for maintaining motivation in graduate school.
This video is about combining the strengths of a paper planner (Passion Planner) with the apps Notion and Roam Research when making plans as an academic.
This video is about strategies for increasing your writing productivity.
This video is very popular with first-time academic conference attendees. It is all about how to ask good questions and participate in a conference setting.
This video is about overcoming resistance when writing.
This video is about pulling highlighted text out of PDFs and books and into Notion so that you can easily skim and search your highlights.