Figure Skating is for Life!

Fun fact: I began figure skating at the age of 14 and have continued to train in every community I've moved to over the course of my studies and professional career.

Another fun fact: Growing numbers of adults are returning to the sport or picking it up for the first time, which makes for great times at the rink!

I have also been an avid fan of the sport since I was very young. I have too many favourite skaters- past and present- to possibly list here. I watch most of the major competitions every year and enjoy sharing my knowledge of the sport with newer fans!

My dream goal is to skate at the ISU Adult Competition in Oberstdorf, Germany! This competition functions somewhat as a recreational "Worlds"- comparable to "masters swimming"- where you compete within an age bracket at your current ability level.

Q: What disciplines have you tested or competed?

A: Singles and ice dance.

Q: What is your favourite jump to perform?

A: The flip jump because the rotation feels the most natural to me. As a result, it makes me feel like I am flying through the air.

Q: Do you have a favourite spin position?

A: Definitely the layback spin position. When I was younger, I loved performing a Biellman (foot over head).

Q: Any other favourite moves?

A: Simple but classic- I love performing spirals right on the crescendo of the music! It involves gliding with your leg raised behind you. Think Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen, Karen Chen... they are all recognized for incredible spiral sequences.

Q: What are your favourite ice dance pattern dances?

A: I love doing the three turns across the ends of the ice during the Starlight Waltz. It makes you feel like you are gliding around a ballroom. There's something classy about the Keats and Rocker Foxtrots. I love the challenge of presenting the Argentine Tango. And adding a little bit of flair to the Blues.

Q: What skating equipment do you use?

A: Right now, I wear Edea Concerto boots and use John Wilson Gold Seal blades.

Q: Is skating during graduate studies challenging?

A: Figure skating can be an expensive sport. However, I've been able to take advantage of some drop-in ice at my university. At times, I've skated with a local community club, though their ice is notably more expensive. Equipment costs are another consideration- it took some time to save up for a much-needed new pair of skates, but it was totally worth the wait.

Q: Has finding ice time during the pandemic been a challenge?

A: I was recently able to access a rink for the first time in a long time, which made me feel very happy. It will take some time to get my skills back, but I know I can do it.

Q: What do you like most about figure skating?

A: The feeling of landing a jump for the first time after possibly thousands of attempts. The sound of the ice under your blades. Choreographing movement to the music. Performing. It's also been a great way to meet people when I've moved. I always seem to get along quite well with fellow adults who figure skate. The rink will always be a second home.

Q: Speaking of figure skating music, do you have any favourite programs?

A: Inspired by Michelle Kwan, I once skated to William Allwyn's Lyra Angelica. I remember receiving positive feedback as the softness of the music complemented my balletic style. Of my childhood programs, this music was my favourite.

At some point, I would like to dabble in figure skating choreography. I literally see choreography and movement in my mind whenever I hear music. I also maintain a Spotify Playlist of songs suitable for figure skating programs and exercises. Check it out below!